No matter your circumstance

2020!! Man, oh man, what we can say about this year as a woman whether we are single, married, newly divorced, widowed, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, rich, poor, whatever, no matter your circumstance, we can all say in perfect unison that 2020 SUCKED PERIODT!! (and btw that T was sooo intentional)

It's already tough to be a woman, whether in the workplace or at home. Still, the cherry on the top that I personally experienced is owning a business and trying to make the right decision for myself, my business, and my family. It can be challenging to make moves under extremely trying circumstances. The Covid-19 pandemic was that exactly, trying circumstances. You see, I started my business as just a mobile nail care service that grew into a small brick and mortar building after a year and a half, then grew into a much bigger commercial building after just one year!! It was so amazing and life-changing. Connecting with clients and building relationships and friendships while providing impeccable service and getting paid was a dream job! A true story of success, right?! But with success comes those illusions of your team; ultimately, you learn who's genuinely happy or supportive of your success. Lines were crossed, bonds were broken, and feelings hurt. Mine in particular, but you learn to grow with the hurt and continue. Then when I thought, oh, it can't get any worse than this... BAAM!! A worldwide pandemic hit!!!

The readjusting to your entire life is on pause. Then lockdown while still having to live life with little ones, staying on top, and keep a happy marriage. (of 16 years btw, one of the many things I am proud of in life) It's an utterly disturbing and unexplainable experience that I wish on no enemy I dare have. After six months of not working and still paying rent, I decided to put in my 30-day notice and close my business. Not because I had to, but after evaluating what was most important to me, my health, family, and time. I was risking COVID-19 by working on clients and expending energy and resources on employees who did not value the support I provided. Individuals that did not have the same vision for my business as I did, so I decided to blog full time.

Now blogging is something that I have been doing on and off again for the last 5-6 years. I never had the real-time to stay consistent because I worked full time. Literally, it was one of the scariest decisions I have ever made in my life. I had to determine how I would go from financial security to a venture so profoundly filled with risk. Would people like my blog enough to subscribe, click on my links, and support my blog? I mean, you gotta have some significant cahonies just to quit a very lucrative business/job and chase a dream out of nowhere. But in doing so, I found that if you don't chase your dreams: do what makes you uncomfortable, what makes you scared, and lose sleep at night. It will make your very soul want to rise and fly.

One thing I can say, in all honesty, is if it weren't for my unwavering faith and the help of my family. Especially my amazing husband, I don't know where I would be physically, mentally, and spiritually. There is an old African saying it takes a whole village to raise a child. This year in my journey, I have profoundly benefited from my village; I am beyond grateful for them.

It takes a whole village to raise a child.
— Igbo and Yoruba proverb that exists in many different African languages

Now I stand seven months later: wife, mother/auntie, daughter, sister, successful salon owner turned homeschool teacher, full-time blogger, and risk-taker. Living this thing we all call life, one day at a time, proving every day that true success isn't having your name on a building. It's not even having a prestigious title or degree because, in an instant, life and circumstances can change drastically. True success is adapting gracefully and to life’s plot twists by having a measure of faith and trust in God. In allowing your family to come to your aid when needed because it truly takes a village or tribe to help you along the way! I share my story and tell you all that it is inevitable that you will lose in life. But darling, in those losses, you will gain so much more than you have lost. You will find your strength and yourself. Still, better yet, the victories that will blossom from your newfound gains. There will be laughter so deep your sides ache, and your heart swells, but also buckets of tears that you feel might not end. But NEVER for a second fold!

Edited by Kristina Murphy

Authors Bio:

Tiffany currently writes a fashion blog while raising her two children. She has been married to her husband for 16 years and lives life to the fullest.