Single Parenting During the Pandemic


Being a single mother, in its own entity, is difficult. But when you add this with a pandemic, working full-time as a teacher, studying online part-time, and having your children in school online, AT HOME, life just seems so chaotic and overwhelming. It’s definitely been a drastic change for my children and me. Not only has it taken a toll on me, but unfortunately, it’s taken a toll on my children as well. 

We’re trying to navigate through this new way of life and remain sane, if at all possible. If I’m going to be honest, it’s been a struggle to stay focused and disciplined. By the time I get home from work, I’m logging onto my children’s Canvas sites to make sure assignments are complete and to read the bazillion school emails and district updates. There seem to be weekly glitches with the sites, the Zoom classes, and the Wi-Fi.

Not to mention, my workload, my class assignments, fall behind. I’m wiped out by the time I get a moment to myself. Some days, I have to just cry it out, take a breath, and give myself some grace. This isn’t easy! It makes you question yourself as a parent, as an educator, and as a human being.

Yet, through the tears, the frustrations, and the uncertainties of what’s to come, we press, and we push through. Though many would agree that these extreme lifestyle changes have totally reshaped the way we live, my children and I are making the best of it. Distance learning has offered up an opportunity for teachers to focus on students individually as well as generally. I’ve noticed that teachers are more resourceful and creative with ways to keep students engaged during class time. I’ve seen my children step up and become more accountable for what they get out of class. They speak up when things are difficult and celebrate the things that work out. They are doing well academically.

All and all, we process things as they come. Am I constantly making the right decisions?

Probably not. However, I am doing what is best for my children and me. If I can pinpoint one thing about our new pandemic living, I would have to focus on the fact that my boys and I are closer than ever, even in these moments, in this pandemic, in the midst of police brutality and violation of trust.... In our home, we are safe. We can come undone and be vulnerable with each other knowing that there isn’t any judgment or ridicule. For me, that’s all the reassurance that I need to fire me up and set me ablaze. My children matter. Our lives are important. We will get through this.

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