Growth Mindset

Stress is something every living being is presented with on a day-to-day basis. For example, the dryer breaks and shrinks your favorite blouse. Perhaps your child won an award at school, and you have to rearrange your schedule. Every moment and option in one’s life has the potential to be stressful, even the happy ones.

How we cope with those stressors can determine how our mind, body, and spirit react to the stress. If you completed a stress assessment from a few weeks ago, you know what your stress level is currently at, well how does that awareness help you? It can determine the severity and amount of potential symptoms. Are you a physical stressor getting headaches. Perhaps you’re an emotional stressor becoming irritable and moody. Does stress weigh on your soul, making you doubt your beliefs or chosen path in life?

In this section, we shall go over the growth mindset. It’s a coping strategy for your mental and emotional resilience. Is stress a challenge to be mastered and learned from, or is it a scary monster to hide in the trees? Our responses can determine if we conceal our stress or deal with it. As frightening as dealing, maybe it’s the only way to work through it. 

We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary. – Carol Dweck

(272) 4 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset - YouTube

If, after watching this video, you feel it could help you, follow up with the book below.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: Dweck, Carol S.: 9780345472328: Books